
Showing posts from November, 2021

Building Strong Relationship

We must build strong relationships with people in order to live healthier, happier, and more successful life. Having healthy and happy relationships is essential to our overall success and well-being. These factors must be considered in order to establish a good and happy relationship. Embracing and Celebrating Diversity Paying Close Attention Giving Others Your Time Good Communication Skills Development Being able to provide and receive feedback is a skill that can be learned. We have a sense of fulfillment whenever we create a healthy and beneficial relationship with others.

Use of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize the needs of others. Those who have this skill are more likely to be successful and to be able to maintain strong connections with their family, friends, and peers. Live the healthy and happy life you deserve. Contact Physical health, wellness, and lifestyle coach WiL Turner at For more details about Emotional Intelligence visit -

Full Body Workout Transformation

Looking for four weeks body change miracle? This miracle is absolutely possible if done in the right blended way. Grab a nutritional mixture of three things:  • Good Training Routine • Good Nutritional Standards • Clear Mentality to follow the above points. With WIL, follow the 12-week transformation plan to put your body to the test. Aim at growing your muscle and mind with the best-disciplined schedule! Live the healthy and happy life you deserve. Contact Physical health , wellness and lifestyle coach WiL Turner at

Use of Emotional Intelligence

“Emotional intelligence plays a vital role in building both personal and professional relationships.” Those who possess emotional intelligence have the ability to assess, control and evaluate their emotions and to empathize with others. The added beauty about  Emotional Intelligence for those who may lack these very important characteristics is; Emotional Intelligence can in fact be learned and strengthened with practice. The 4 most important competencies of emotional intelligence are: ● Management of Personal relationships ● Empathy ● Self-awareness ● Being Socially Aware Learn how to manage your personal and professional relationships through empathy, self, and social awareness. Improve the way you think, look, feel, give, and live at Living Well With WiL click the link to read this week's blog on Emotional Intelligence .

Family And Friendship Are important

It is true we came into the world alone. That does not mean we have to leave it alone. Family, friendship, service to others, and community are the four most important pillars of Living Well With WiL. As human beings, it is our natural instinct to belong, to be acknowledged, socially interact, and to feel loved. There is no great feeling than these.  Having the support of our family, loved ones, and friends nurture our health and happiness. Live the healthy and happy life you deserve. Subscribe to the Living From Within blog and podcast at Be happy! Be healthy, always. Keep sharing those smiles.

How to increase emotional intelligence

Friends come and go, family stays! Well, this is not something we all experience or have in life. Emotional support from family and social support from friends and peers is what we expect. Some have both, and some have either of the above. In any way, we all have dependent relationships. We identify our dependent relationships through the sincerity of other actions towards us. One pitfall here is expectations. It is said as a pitfall because everyone has the responsibility to perform and they may not reach the expectations every time. Experiencing this may jeopardize your relationship. Now, co-dependency will come into the picture where emotional and social needs are exceeded beyond our expectations. Having a healthy relationship with balanced emotional support and social support will help you win the battle of co-dependency. Learn from WIL, a Wellness Coach, about the various signs of co-dependency in a relationship, and how to win this important leading battle of your life.

7 Secrets to Healthy Happy Relationships

If quality over quantity is your priority, then you are halfway on the journey of your healthy relationship. One of the best theories and practices for beholding healthy relationships is a love language. Love Language helps you to understand the needs of yourself, your loved ones, and your surroundings. Love language is not one stagnant emotion or formula that you can apply to every next person in your life. For some, there is a verbal expression of love languages like care, validation. For others, this can be physical touch or spending time together or gift-giving or acts of service. For having a healthier relationship, understand the signs of emotionally co-dependent relationships. With Wellness Coach, WIL understands what a love language is and what questions you should ask yourself to learn the love language.

What Causes Anxiety and Depression

If you had hypervigilant or irrational thoughts or ever doubted your capability, then this is what anxiety is all about. It has been observed that the main reason for having anxiety is the body’s natural facilitation and activation of the fight or flight center in the brain. The feeling is much similar to that of being stalked by an invisible predator. Whereas, depression is said to be the combination of many factors like, environmental, psychological, biological, or genetic. While facing anxiety most frequently asked question is what causes anxiety in the Brain? For this, there are multiple answers, and all lead to one, depression. With depression comes a crucial point to understand- Can depression cause physical pain? All of the questions are pervasive and are answered by a well-renowned Wellness Coach, WIL. From the coach learn about what causes anxiety in the brain and the factors that lead to the co-occurrence of anxiety and depression.

Signs of Emotionally Co-dependent Relationships

It's great to be loved.  Family and friends are an important facet of our emotional, social well-being and health. Nurturing a healthy relationship with our loved ones requires effort. However, not all relationships are perfect and in some cases, one person may rely on their family and friends to support them beyond what is realistic. This type of relationship relates to the blog post about emotional co-dependency at Nurture the health and happy relationships you deserve. Contact physical health, and wellness coach to book your free wellness coaching session today at