How to increase emotional intelligence

Friends come and go, family stays!

Well, this is not something we all experience or have in life. Emotional support from family and social support from friends and peers is what we expect. Some have both, and some have either of the above. In any way, we all have dependent relationships. We identify our dependent relationships through the sincerity of other actions towards us. One pitfall here is expectations. It is said as a pitfall because everyone has the responsibility to perform and they may not reach the expectations every time. Experiencing this may jeopardize your relationship. Now, co-dependency will come into the picture where emotional and social needs are exceeded beyond our expectations.

Having a healthy relationship with balanced emotional support and social support will help you win the battle of co-dependency. Learn from WIL, a Wellness Coach, about the various signs of co-dependency in a relationship, and how to win this important leading battle of your life.


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