What Causes Anxiety and Depression

If you had hypervigilant or irrational thoughts or ever doubted your capability, then this is what anxiety is all about. It has been observed that the main reason for having anxiety is the body’s natural facilitation and activation of the fight or flight center in the brain. The feeling is much similar to that of being stalked by an invisible predator. Whereas, depression is said to be the combination of many factors like, environmental, psychological, biological, or genetic. While facing anxiety most frequently asked question is what causes anxiety in the Brain? For this, there are multiple answers, and all lead to one, depression.

With depression comes a crucial point to understand- Can depression cause physical pain?

All of the questions are pervasive and are answered by a well-renowned Wellness Coach, WIL. From the coach learn about what causes anxiety in the brain and the factors that lead to the co-occurrence of anxiety and depression.


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