7 Things You Can Do To Take Care of Yourself and Those You Love

1. Given the spread of Covid19, it is critically important to wipe machines, benches, attachments, cables, seats, handles, and surfaces before and after using them. This includes hands.

2. The possibility of spreading germs and viruses is high under normal circumstances. Gym etiquette should be at the forefront of all our minds, especially when in public spaces where multiple people are touching equipment, handles, doorknobs, stair rails, and elevator buttons. By adhering to the standard general protocol of wiping machines and surfaces used, we all can minimize the spread of germs. 

3. Covid-19 has separated us from our loved ones, friends, and one another. We are all emotionally and socially under stress. 

The best exercises or activities for dealing with stress are taking a stroll with a loved one or a friend, meditation, yoga, and listening to meditative music. In worse cases, seeking the help of a therapist or wellness coach is strongly encouraged. Ableto.com has great resources for those suffering from depression anxiety or stress. In most cases, mental and emotional health support by professional coaches and therapists of the Able To team is covered by insurance. 

4. Above all, the best remedy is self-care.

Our brains and bodies need rest. Especially during such stressful times. Naps are a great way to reset and decompress.

5. Our immune systems are also under attack. A good multivitamin such as Centrum has all the essential vitamins and minerals the body needs to boost the immune system and ward off illness.  ZINC is another supplement good for the immune system. 

6. Tea made with CIDER VIGER,  lemon, honey, Cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric, and paprika are my go-to for immunity health, and detoxification.  should be at the forefront of all our minds, especially when in public spaces where multiple people are touching equipment, handles, doorknobs, stair rails, and elevator buttons. By adhering to the standard general protocol of wiping machines and surfaces used, we all can minimize the spread of germs. 

7. Take care of yourself so that you may take care of your loved ones and friends who need you. You are not alone!

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, on top of the stress of work, necessary life changes, priorities, and social changes,  managing a household, caring for our fur babies and taking care of those we love, and not being able to spend quality time with our family and dearest of friends; our loved ones and friends, myself included; are undergoing the feelings of extreme emotional duress, depression, loneliness, and social isolation from our loved ones and friends.

Look better! Feel better! Live better, at livingwellwithwil.com
